Classic Job Interview Question: What Is Your Greatest Weakness?
Never just wing a job interview. Prepare by developing, reciting, and rehearsing good answers to all of the most common questions. The most feared traditional question is “What is your biggest weakness?” This must be handled delicately and, above all, not honestly. Your prospective employer does not need to know about your alcoholism, difficulty working on teams, or emotional intimacy problems with significant others.The main character in Zach Cranor’s Last Place Comics appears to make the mistake of being forthright about his weakness: he takes double damage from fire-based attacks. But he has only deceived the interviewer, which is not necessarily a better choice.#webcomics #LastPlaceComics #jobinterviews
The Difference between Cats and Dogs
To our dogs, we are packmates. We share a bond from our common lupine ancestor and are thus never far from the thoughts of our dogs. To cats, we are biological machines that serve certain useful purposes on occasion. One machine is as good as another, as Jimmy Craig expresses in They Can Talk.That’s the stereotype.I find, though, that when my family cat’s favorite human is away from home for a few days, he is actually angry at her when she returns. He expresses his sense of betrayal by snuggling with and then, without warning, biting her as punishment.#webcomics #TheyCanTalk #JimmyCraig
Your Body Knows What It Needs
The liver is a wonderful organ, albeit not Woody Allen’s first and second favorite organs. It processes blood in the digestive tract, metabolizes nutrients, produces cholesterol and bile, and regulates the clotting of blood.Your liver is your friend and arguably your best friend.But your BFF can help you only if you listen to it. Your tongue is louder (it does have ready access to the vocal cords), but that does not make the tongue’s instructions prudent. Although some people confuse volume for intelligence, they are not interchangeable. As Heart and Brain comics illustrates, your quiet liver knows its work.#webcomics #TheAwkwardYeti #HeartAndBrain
Punish Your Body
In “Cells at Overwork” (the title of which is clearly a reference to the manga and anime seriesCells at Work), webcomic artist Zach Cranor shows a severely mismanaged body failing to stay competitive in the modern marketplace.
The End of the Journey Comes
The end comes not with a long beep from the heartrate monitor, nor with a great sigh, but the beginning of the credits. Stay and watch them. Who was that lost childhood friend that your father refused to talk about? How about that anonymous lady at the train station with whom your father shared but a single moment, yet one that stayed in his mind for the rest of his life? You need to find out.Besides, there could be a post-credits scene with your father warming advising you, Ferris Bueller-style, to move on with your life. Berkeley Mews shouldn’t encourage readers to miss this important time.#webcomics #BenZaehringer #BerkeleyMews
Neoplatonic Hair Is a Bad Idea
In his theory of forms, Plato explained that physical things cannot be perfect but can express only the imperfect essense of their ideal states which are absent from the physical world.You don’t actually want perfection because you are not perfect and therefore cannot experience full completeness in its presence. As Zach Cranor of Last Place Comics teaches us, to have perfect hair is to have no hair because perfect hair transcends the material plane.This is not to say that it is best to be bald. Contrary to Plato, be humble. Accept your place in the chain of forms and get your rats.#webcomics #ZachCranor #LastPlaceComics
How to Teach Lord of the Flies
The English teacher in The Jenkins comics is sticking to the book with her teaching method. But to make the class organization more chaotic, leave two conchs behind and say, as one closes the door, that only one of the conchs is real.William Golding, who wrote about the collapse of civilization by young boys in The Lord of the Flies, was deeply cynical about human nature. So it’s worth nothing that, in 1965, when six Tongan boys from a boarding school were shipwrecked on a deserted Pacific island for 15 months, they all survived and thrived cooperatively. They even cared for one of their number who broke a leg so that it was completely mended by the time of their rescue by a passing ship.#LordoftheFlies #webcomics #TheJenkins
I Don't Want to Play Wordle
I’m aware of Wordle, of course. I can’t login to Twitter without being deluged with the Wordles of the people that I follow. Occasionally, I’ll retweet funny jokes about Wordle. But my interest in actually doing Wordle, or any other puzzle, is zero.I’ll join Randall Munroe of xkcd in giving this answer from now on. Although, in a proper study, all participants should be blind to their group placement, it is inevitable that some people will figure out that they’re getting a placebo or are not receiving the same treatment as others.#Wordle #xkcd #RandallMunroe #webcomics
Translating a Cat's Meows
Fluffy misunderstands. The humans aren't deaf; they're just stupid. They don't understand that cats must have food delivered on demand. Jimmy Craig of They Can Talk should explain this to the kitty.#JimmyCrag #webcomics #TheyCanTalk #cats
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