British Airways Makes the Safety Talk Into a Period DramaWith so many people flying so often, it's hard to get anyone to pay attention to the safety instructions that they've heard before. Making these lectures stand out has become an art form. British Airways took note of the recent popularity of period dramas on streaming TV, such as Bridgerton, The Great, The Empress, and Queen Charlotte. The BA safety video for 2024 is a glorious mashup of regency-era scenes and the corresponding information for airline flights. Never mind that these characters would have no idea what an airplane is; that's the joke. But the audience knows that the characters of these period dramas will believe what you tell them, and that they are game for trying anything new. Even if that involves wearing an inflatable vest while trying to impress the ladies. -via Metafilter​
Alan Wagner's Shocking Neighborhood PostersIf you haven't seen them in real life, you have probably seen the photos of these posters circulating reddit and X. The have absurd offers or warnings, but few, if any, are real.No, you cannot actually touch Cornelius for a mere $18. And feeding him requires more. But the entire Cornelius experience is a hoax anyway. It's once concocted by artist and practical joker Alan Wagner.
The Legal Value of a Cat in Medieval WalesIf you were to delve into the legal codes of Wales from a thousand years ago, you would find an extensive archive of laws about cats. But you can't read Middle Welsh or Latin, either, so Cambrian Chronicles does it for us. First we consider the legal value of a cat, which was spelled out detail. A good cat was worth a goat and a half in one community, while my orange cat would be worthless, because he manages to singe his head on hot car mufflers occasionally. He is orange, after all. Also, in Wales, if you were to die without heirs, the executor of the estate gets to keep your cat. Then there's a regulation about cat milk, but even the thought of trying to milk a cat fills us with dread. But these laws get more complicated as they were amended locally until each town had their own code. Traveling between those towns was not easy, but if you were to take a chance and play your cards right, you could make a profit importing cats between communities -if you had a time machine. Watch the entire video at YouTube.-Thanks, Brother Bill!
Forces Outside of Our Control ...Or Even AwarenessAre we really the master of our own destiny? Or are we the product of the will of others? Who is that force that guides out destiny? Is it government authorities, peer pressure, religion, or maybe the guilt trips that our parents have perfected? Could it be the chemicals our bodies create, affected by environmental factors? Or are we a slave to our family's genetic legacy?
A More Comprehensive Evolution of DanceYou recall The Evolution of Dance, the video by Judson Laipply that went mega-viral in 2003. It has more than 300 million views on YouTube! This isn't that. This version goes way back to the prehistoric beginning of dance, and includes dance to music genres that veer widely from the most familiar pop music.
The Mugger and the Social Media InfluencerYou may have noticed that many people live for the 'gram, or in other words, treat everyday life as a chance to gain internet points. Every experience is an opportunity for a post, and when nothing is happening, they are glued to their phones, watching everyone else's activities. You've also heard rants about this shift, too, with people longing for the good old days of real-life social interaction. Even the backlash can get tedious.