Portland, Oregon Ranked Most Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly City in the United States
Have you ever sat around fretting over which American city is the most Vegan and Vegetarian friendly? Worry no more. WalletHub thinks they have come up with the answer. After comparing 100 of the largest cities they have ranked Portland, Oregon as the number one Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly place to be.WalletHub used 17 factors to make their determinations. They looked at things like the cost of groceries, how many meatless options were available at local restaurants, and even the number of salad places. Joining Portland on the list of veggie friendly places are these 9 other top contenders: 2. Orlando, Florida3. Los Angeles, California4. Phoenix, Arizona5. Austin, Texas6. Seattle, Washington7. San Francisco, California 8. Tampa, Florida, 9. San Diego, Californiaand10. Lexington, Kentucky(Image Credit: Chard Hard by Papa Rossi)#Vegetarian #vegan #Portland #Oregon
The Sports Bra: The Only Women's Sports Bar in the World
Sports bars are a dime a dozen. However, whenever you step into one, it’s almost always showing men’s championships on TV.Jenny Nguyen plans to change that. She says that women account for 40% of the total professional athletes, but 96% of athletes on TV are men. Nguyen, who herself plays basketball her whole life, and her group of sport-enthusiast girlfriends have noticed the imbalance for a long time. This is how the idea to establish a women’s sports bar came to being. In April, Nguyen is officially opening The Sports Bra, Portland’s and probably the world’s first women-focused sports bar. Not only is the bar centering their programming around women’s sporting competitions, it is also put together with the same consciousness. Nguyen enlists as many women-owned companies as possible in building her dream joint. By doing this, she wants to empower women to reach for dreams they might think inaccessible to them.Image: Vickie Connor#SportsBar #Portland #WomenOwnedBusiness
Mill Ends Park, the World's Smallest Park, is Being Moved Six Inches From Its Original Location
The Mill Ends Park, located in Portland, is the smallest in the world. Opened in 1946, the 452-square inch park had been the scene of annual celebrations for a long time. However, the park was closed in 2006 to make way for the Better Naito Forever project, which added sidewalks and bikeways to Naito Parkway, where the small park was located.The park was made by Oregon newspaperman Dick Fagan, who decided to build a small park to cover the big hole in the middle of the road that he saw from his office window. Since then, people have treated the little scenery as a park until its official proclamation as a city park in 1976. Now, after being shut down again since its closing in 2006, officials are happy to announce Mills End Park’s comeback and its big move. The park will move six inches to the west of its original location! Image above: Mill Ends Park in 2007 by atul666/Wikimedia commons#park #MillsEndPark #Portland #SmallParks
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