Portland, Oregon Ranked Most Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly City in the United States

Have you ever sat around fretting over which American city is the most Vegan and Vegetarian friendly? Worry no more. WalletHub thinks they have come up with the answer. After comparing 100 of the largest cities they have ranked Portland, Oregon as the number one Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly place to be. 

WalletHub used 17 factors to make their determinations. They looked at things like the cost of groceries, how many meatless options were available at local restaurants, and even the number of salad places. Joining Portland on the list of veggie friendly places are these 9 other top contenders: 

2. Orlando, Florida

3. Los Angeles, California

4. Phoenix, Arizona

5. Austin, Texas

6. Seattle, Washington

7. San Francisco, California 

8. Tampa, Florida, 

9. San Diego, California


10. Lexington, Kentucky

(Image Credit: Chard Hard by Papa Rossi)

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