
A Sad Day in ToylandJuvenile theodicy gets dark really, really quickly. That’s because kids don’t feel constrained by the mental walls that we adults gradually grow around our minds. Wherever there is darkness or light, children will enter unafraid.The child’s eulogy has terrifying implications. Jennika’s ultimate destiny is not truly knowable, but we can speculate in horror. She is in a better place, which is likely unending darkness. That means that the present life is worse than eternal nothingness. Does this mean that we are now in a hell dimension? Let’s plumb the depths of truth with Ellen Woodbury’s Pizza Cake Comics.#webcomic #pizzacakecomics #EllenWoodBury #funerals #toys
Hundreds of Stuffed Toys Mysteriously Found on FreewayOn an ordinary Wednesday morning in the spring, hundreds of stuffed toys were found scattered across Interstate 5 in Portland, Oregon. This extraordinary find left state transportation officials curious as to how they ended up there. Where they came from remained a question, but the Oregon Department of Transportation said they think they may have been on their way to "Pizza Planet." Yes, the place mentioned in the movie Toy Story. This scene eerily resembled what one might expect to encounter if there was a secret life of toys when people are not around. According to the clean-up crew, the stuffed animals were taken to the maintenance yard for "care, cuddles, and feeding."​Image credit: ODOT image​#ToyStory #Toys #BridgePortland​