
Artificial Intelligence Does Strong Bad​Janelle Shane is a scientist who works with artificial intelligence. She blogs at AI Weirdness, where the funniest AI stuff goes. Strong Bad is a fictional masked wrestler in Homestar Runner's comedy videos. DALL-E is an artificial intelligence computer program that generates images from text. You probably already knew all that, but it's crucial to explain what's going on here. Shane has been having some fun feeding classic memes into the DALL-E program to see what it will generate. So she tried Strong Bad.
Parenting Advice from Strong BadAfter an absence of some years, the gang from Homestar Runner has revived the franchise, and we get new content about once or twice a year now. After all, the creators grew up and got jobs and stuff. There are rumors that Homestar Runner will eventually become a TV series, but I will believe it when I see it. In a surprise video out today, Strong Bad is back, giving some needed advice on parenting, which he knows nothing about. April Fool! Oh, it's not an April Fool? Strong Bad really has some parenting advice? This can't be good. Everything he knows about parenting came from that one experience in health class where you had to simulate taking care of a baby. The whole point of such exercises is to convince students that they aren't ready for kids. In Strong Bad's case, they took "care" of bags of pudding, which you can stick in the refrigerator to extend its life, so it isn't helpful for the project at all. The last two minutes of this video are nonsensical clips that don't go anywhere, but you might enjoy them. -via Digg#StrongBad #HomestarRunner #parenting #simulatedbaby