The Difference between Cats and Dogs
To our dogs, we are packmates. We share a bond from our common lupine ancestor and are thus never far from the thoughts of our dogs. To cats, we are biological machines that serve certain useful purposes on occasion. One machine is as good as another, as Jimmy Craig expresses in They Can Talk.That’s the stereotype.I find, though, that when my family cat’s favorite human is away from home for a few days, he is actually angry at her when she returns. He expresses his sense of betrayal by snuggling with and then, without warning, biting her as punishment.#webcomics #TheyCanTalk #JimmyCraig
Keeping up with Dog Mealtime Schedules
For hobbits, the schedule is typically breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and finally supper. Dogs, according to Jimmy Craig’s They Can Talk, also dine at second dinner, which is between dinner and supper. The dog in this webcomic--who will bring up the topic later--also desires tiffin, brunch, lupper, high tea, siu yeh, and the midnight snack.The dog who engages in vigorous athletic activities, such as guarding the den from the mailman, may require additional calories and engage in snacking as needed to keep up his strength.#dog #webcomic #TheyCanTalk #JimmyCraig
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