New Orleans Mom of 4 Creates Magnet That Reads 'Don't Carjack Me, Kids Inside'
New Orleans resident Gabriela Barnetzer was distressed by the rise in recent carjacking incidents in her home state. Being a mother to four children amplified the panic that she felt when considering the potential risk of becoming a carjack victim.Imagine how difficult it must be to get the children out of the car seats when a gun is pointed towards you. The thought of being in that situation pushed Gabriela to do something.Instead of falling silent, she decided to speak up by making car magnets that read ‘Don’t Carjack Me, Kids Inside’.Initially, she made ten car magnets for herself, her friends, and her family. Soon more requests came in and she decided to sell the car magnets, with the profits going to children who come from socioeconomically challenged areas of the state.It is unfortunate that many people turn towards crime and choose to carjack. Let’s hope that the car magnet changes their mind. Image: WGNO#carjacking #sticker #NewOrleans #crime #carmagnet
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