
Cakes That Make You FacepalmThanks to readers who send in pictures, Jen Yates of Cake Wrecks never runs out of hilarious cakes to show us. In her latest post, she highlights instructions that were misunderstood in ways that make you facepalm. You can almost imagine that some have to be examples of malicious compliance, because how can anyone get these instruction so very wrong? I've worked at a bakery where I was charged with adding writing to cakes, and it's a simple matter to go over a request one more time to make sure the cake will appear the way they want, or in the case of a form left for the next decorator, to call someone with any possible issues. In the case of the cake shown above "there were three choices of decorations on the order form: balloons, roses, or mums. Dee chose mums." There are several more examples of facepalm-inducing cake instructions that should have been confirmed before proceeding at Cake Wrecks.And if you liked that, you'll love a roundup of cakes illustrating New Discoveries in the Animal Kingdom, complete with descriptive names.#cake #CakeWrecks  
Thanksgiving Cakes Gone WrongEvery holiday presents a challenge for bakeries with high turnover, when a new decorator has to confront the fact that they need to put something on a cake they've never drawn before, much less created in icing. The results often must be labeled in some fashion to let shoppers know what they're looking at. If it's supposed to be a Pilgrim, then you put a black hat on it, whether your creation resembles a human or not. If it's supposed to be a Native American, put a blue headband on it. We guess that the cake pictured above has a turkey on it, rendered by someone who isn't all that sure what a turkey looks like. The decorator must have felt bad about the ambiguity, so they labeled it, not with "turkey," but with the word "gobbles?" Maybe they're not all that sure. To make it extra clear that this scene is outside, let's add some tiny deer. See a roundup of Thanksgiving cakes gone wrong at Cake Wrecks. #cake #Thanksgiving #cakewrecks