The Nature of Cats

ā€‹Nathan Pyle's Strange Planet is a webcomic about aliens exploring earth's culture. They just want to fit in, but there are so many things about our world that make no sense, and must be explained, albeit in their limited and literal language. Each of their discoveries highlight the absurdities of everyday living. In this post, they explore the nature of cats, which are sometimes referred to as "the vibrating creature" and sometimes "the erratic creature" or often just "the creature." There are four comics here; click to the right to see them all.

The upshot of all this is that cats are more alien than the aliens. They do things we don't understand, and can be totally unpleasant, unresponsive, and downright dangerous, yet we love them beyond all reasonable and logic. And that's funny in itself.

#cats #aliens #NathanPyle

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