The Mug That You Never Use Would Like to Talk about This Disrespectful Attitude

TikTok comedian annaredhair_ (Anna Rudegeair) personifies your kitchen equipment. You have many mugs to choose from. But there’s that one mug that never gets into the morning coffee or afternoon tea rotations. Even when you’ve run out of glasses at night and need a Cuba Libre, this mug is never chosen for that role. Is she misshapen? Is her handle too thick? Is it the way she looks?

Watch this and other videos at Rudegeair's channel. She's a master of accents. She’s British as the jealous fine china in your cabinet, a Jersey girl who is concerned about your sleep schedule, and a Texan who took photos of her friends falling downstairs.

-via Althouse

#comedy #AnnaRudegeair

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