The Medieval Romance of the Fart

Cartoonist Clarice Tudor is a skilled cartoonist who operates in a variety of styles. This recent contribution is a modern dating story described in the visual style of an illuminated manuscript from the High Middle Ages and with a faux English fit for a more chivalrous age when men were gentlemen and women were ladies of refinement. It is titled "The Fart: A True Tale."

Lady Tudor remembers a nobleman who frequently resided in her heart and bed. She desired to make rid of him but resisted doing so directly and bluntly. So Lady Tudor decided to drive him out through force of arms.

She prepared a vegan pasta dish that she found on TikTok. The concoction emerging from her cauldron was so foul that he preferred privation to consuming it. Then she denied him her affections as the two joined in bed.

That night, the pasta returned in a miasma that threatened the lives of the entire domicile. In the morning, the gentleman parted company from his lady and resumed knight errantry that prevented him from ever seeing Lady Tudor again.

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