The Lost Art of Geography

(Image credit: Zilde2)

Sometimes the things people say on the internet will make you weep for humanity. Geography is such a ripe subject for these misunderstandings because it is rarely taught in American schools, often as just a sidebar in Social Studies, and only then when there's time left after going over all the wars. We should do something about that, because there's no shortage of folks who will broadcast their ignorance for the world to see.

(Image source: reddit)

Bored Panda has 40 funny examples of people who are clueless about where things are in the world, or even clueless about things being places. We shouldn't let anyone out of high school unless they know that some places are continents and others are countries within continents. The Spanish language came from Spain, not Mexico. There is a country named Austria, and it's not Australia. And if anyone ever asks you what the capital of Africa is, you should reply "A."

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