The Girl Explaining Meme and Its Variations

A simple picture that circulated in Argentina and more of the Spanish-speaking world in 2019 has become a huge meme in English in just the past few weeks. According to Know Your Meme, the girl is Denise Sanchez, and the picture was taken at a concert in 2018. Sanchez and her boyfriend were not the subject of the original photograph; they were in the background. Someone thought they would make a neat illustration for any kind of explanation, particularly any kind of reverse mansplaining. It worked well for that purpose as a response to earlier memes such as Guy Explaining and Bro Explaining

But what's really funny are the knockoffs that assume you know the meme, because that's the joke. Like the LEGO version.

And the same scene from the animal kingdom.

That's it! That's the one I'll be using from now on. -via Fark ā€‹

#meme #girlexplaining

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