The Diversity of Wild Haggis Species

The Haggis Wildlife Foundation shares some facts about the many species of wild haggis. These unique creatures in all their diversity need our help to preserve their habitat and boost their diminishing populations.

If you are not familiar with the wild haggis, a trip to Wikipedia is in order. Haggis is a Scottish food made from sheep organs. When tourists ask what kind of meat it is, they are told that it is wild haggis (or maybe farmed haggis). The wild haggis is about as real as the drop bear. The narration sounds like Sir David Attenborough, but that's not real, either. And there aren't this many species of wild haggis. I think artificial intelligence did a fairly decent job on this video, considering what little it had to work with. Images of cooked haggis are far more common than images of the animal species.

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