The Crowd Goes Wild for Bob the Cap Catcher

Not all heroes wear capes, and not all Olympic stars are champions of their sport. For every star athlete, there are dozens of support staff working to make the events go off without a hitch. The job of Olympic lifeguard has always been a somewhat of a joke, because the competing swimmers are the best in the world. But lifeguards are there on duty, just in case the worst happens. At the Paris Olympics yesterday, one of those lifeguards got his moment to shine.

When US swimmer Emma Weber's cap became dislodged and fell to the bottom of the pool, someone had to retrieve it before the next race started. Enter the lifeguard in a brightly-patterned Speedo. We have yet to learn his name, but NBC Sports has dubbed him "Bob the Cap Catcher." He's obviously a skilled swimmer, but suffers a bit under the eye of an international audience only in comparison with the world's fastest competitors. He unselfconsciously accomplished his mission, emerging from the pool to the roar of the crowd. Way to go, Bob!

Yes, It's true that not all heroes wear capes. Some wear Speedos. -via reddit ā€‹

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