Rules for Grandma Droniak's Funeral

Lillian Droniak (grandma_droniak) is 93 years old and a TikTok star. She is relatively healthy, and relishes the fact that she is of sound mind and beholden to no one. That means she can speak her mind, and people love her for it. Recently, she laid out the rules for attending her funeral, and captured 24 million views.


Replying to @Marmar play this video at my funeral or i will haunt whoever is in charge thank you

♬ original sound - grandma_droniak

Notice the T-shirt. She sells these

Grandma got tons of response videos, too. Check out some of her other videos, like when she rates her exes, gets ready for the plumber, treats her fans nicely, or shows us all the things she carries that could be replaced by a smartphone. May she live forever! -via Bits and Pieces 

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