Palpatine Gets Called Out

The Emperor has identified a possible Sith recruit. This young man is Force-sensitive and seems pretty impressionable. He's not as dramatic as you might expect for someone in a Star Wars tale, but he cuts to the chase pretty fast. Sure, the Emperor is evil, but evil people never think of themselves as evil -except in heroic fiction stories. The evil mad scientist who wants to take over the world, yeah, he's pretty blatantly evil. It's so obvious that James Bond never needs to point it out (although Austin Powers might). The drug lord with a violent army at his beck and call would only admit to being a businessman. Smaug only does what he feels he is entitled to do. So how would you ever get Palpatine to admit that he's evil? This scene from Joel Haver seems funny because it mixes up the familiar structure of our fictional story with the way real life people might react. This video contains NSFW language. -via Geeks Are Sexy ā€‹

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