How to Say Hello in Four Languages

Amit Juneja at Sunny Side Up Comics shared a rebus for greetings in different languages. See if you can figure them out.

Lat's break this down. Germany seems like he was cheating a bit, but the rest will take you a minute. Yeah, that second one is a real head scratcher. The discussion at reddit leans toward "hooker justice," which dominated the comments because it's just funny. It's supposed to be "hoe law" which tripped some people up because the "h" is normally silent in "hola," and tripped others up because it's just hard to convey "law" in a single drawing. The Chinese greeting is "knee how" which is really close to the pronunciation of "ni hao." Except plenty of people translated it as "knee why."

One thing everyone could agree on is that France needs a new rebus. Too many people thought it was "bone teeth." Yeah, it's supposed to be "bone jaw." However, that doesn't even come close to the pronunciation of "bonjour." The top suggestion is to change it to "jar," which is just a bit closer. A good time was had by all.

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