Fake Magazines Left in Public

Nick Prueher is a video producer who created the Found Footage Festival in 2004. This annual event celebrates bizarre VHS recordings of mysterious origins by curating and screening them.

He's a prankster by nature and Prueher's latest project reflects this quirky tendency. Prueher is now producing fake but seemingly real-looking magazines on strange subjects and leaving them in public places. For example, would you pick up a magazine featuring gossip about your favorite character actor who will never be an A-lister?

How about one issue of Nickelodeon magazine that focused entirely upon Ralph Bakshi's 1992 racy flop Cool World?

Maybe you'd prefer to contemplate grizzled prospector sidekick stock character in Westerns, such as those played by Gabby Hayes or (my favorite) Arthur Hunnicut?

Why would Prueher write about a mediocre white man? He quips "Write what you know, they say."

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