Bob's Burgers as a Live-Action '80s Sitcom

There's an entire sub-genre of videos that imagine modern TV shows in a different era or a different style, or swap animation for live action and vice-versa. This opening montage places the animated show Bob's Burgers into the 1980s, and into the style of sitcoms of the era. Commenters agree that Bob's Burgers would fit into the 1980s really well. It also translates the cartoon characters into real people. Did I say real people? These aren't real people. They were generated by an artificial intelligence algorithm. Watching this, I recalled a webcomic I saw not long ago (that I can no longer find) that told us how to spot AI-generated images. It said "Look at the teeth. Look at the fingers." That came back to me when I saw this.

How many teeth does this woman have? And why are they all the same size? AI programs that generate faces take their knowledge from real people, but still can't seem to get teeth right.

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